Monday 29 January 2018

The golden age of travel

Actors: David Suchet , JJ Field and  Emily Blunt in Death on the Nile (2004 BBC)

Al Manshia Square, Alexandria in early 20th century

Bonaparte Before the Sphinx (French: Bonaparte devant le Sphinx) is an 1886 painting by the French artist Jean-Léon Gérôme. It is also known as Oedipus (Œdipe).

Delta is one of Thomas Cook Nile steamers. Thomas Cook owned and managed fleet of Nile steamers but only 2 survived.

SS Misr by Mövenpick

No less exotic were the hotels, steamships and extravagant palaces of hospitality that combined the thrill of the unknown with the comforts of home.

Thomas Cook and Son promotional poster in London

S.S. Karnak as it was shown in Death on the Nile (1978 film)

SteamShips Of Egypt: The most famous passengers travelled onboard SS Su...

SteamShips Of Egypt: The most famous passengers travelled onboard SS Su...: Among the most famous passengers travelled onboard  SS Sudan were the archaeologist Max Mallowan and his wife Agatha Christie. It was d...

Saturday 27 January 2018

Kaikkein kuuluisimmat risteilymatkustajat SS Sudan-laivalla

Kaikkein kuuluisimmat risteilymatkustajat SS Sudan-laivalla olivat arkeologi Max Mallowan ja hänen vaimonsa Agatha Christie. Ristelynsä aikana Agatha Cristie kirjoitti kuuluisan salapoliisiromaaninsa ”Kuolema Niilillä”. 

The most famous passengers travelled onboard SS Sudan

Among the most famous passengers travelled onboard  SS Sudan were the archaeologist Max Mallowan and his wife Agatha Christie. It was during of these cruises that the latter would have written her famous detective novel Death on the Nile. The cinematographic adaptation of the novel was filmed in part on Le Sudan in 1978, and in 2004 there was a filming of the same name.